Fall Market & a giveaway

Market is HUGE. Market

This photo shows less than half of it... It's absolutely enormous and it takes a long time to walk the whole floor. Anything you can imagine that is related to quilting is there... From long arms to notions to fabric to embellishments. It can be overwhelming. I got home and realized I didn't take enough photos and besides, I'm sure you're seeing recaps on other blogs (and if not Katy took loads of great photos) and check out True Up for pictures of all of the new fabric lines coming out. There were the usual handful of booths I found pretty but it's a big blur of STUFF.

Along with that, and less of a blur, are all of the people! It's sorta like summer camp for quilters - all of your friends you saw last time are there again this time and you don't get enough sleep and you have a ball. It's really just so much fun. Everyone is also working hard, (it's a trade show after all) but it's a really good time to catch up with everyone in person.

Also released at Market is Quilting Arts' Quilt Scene! A big ol' magazine with lots of content.


I have a place mat project in there...


...and I knew my sewing space was being featured too but I was surprised to open up the magazine and find a two page spread on it!


So who wants a copy? Leave a message here and I'll pick a winner early next week!