Conversation continued...

Thanks so much for your comments on my last post about the Long Beach Quilt Festival!  Modern quilting's place in the overall quilting world (industry, really...) is an interesting conversation. From all of the comments, I have deduced the following:

We all shop almost exclusively online so therefore when fabric we like is in quilting shops, it doesn't sell.  As a result, the shops decide not to carry it the next time around.  This leads to a vicious cycle and it keeps us online and isolated from the quilting world at large.

So, I've decide that any time I'm in a quilting shop I'm going to make a point of spending my money there.  Unfortunately  I don't get to them often as I live in L.A., 10 minutes from a huge fabric (but not quilting) store that carries a lot of what I like.  I know that my few dollars here and there won't make a difference, but I'm going to do it on principle.  Also, I'm going to consider submitting my quilts to shows & festivals.   I can't complain about not being represented if I haven't tried to be that representation myself, right?

Maybe if we all do this, it will make a difference over time?

Oh and the best thing about the festival?  I met JamieJulie, and Beth!   Oh, and I tried out a long arm for the first time... my sister had to hold me up I was so weak at the knees... I seriously covet a machine with a frame.

In quilting news, I've decided that the big hexagons are going to be a queen sized quilt.  So I've been cutting!

Cutting Hexagons

A couple of you asked how big they are... I made myself a 9" template!  It's going to sew up quickly once I find a minute to tackle it.

Guess what's happening on Friday? A giveaway! It's gonna be my one year blog-o-versary!