Happy New Year!

Happy 2013 everyone! As we round the corner into the next year, I find myself a bit dismayed to discover that I have very little sewing to show for the year. Basically just these three quilts...

Pink Greater ThanIntersectionsBroken Plaid

I'm proud of all three but I sure do wish I'd had more hours at the sewing machine... But that's ok! There are other quilts that are almost finished!

In a Sea of Blue

And I certainly did a lot with my year. QuiltCon, and working for the MQG, has been a huge and on going project. And there's so much excitement with QuiltCon being less than two months away! Last year I also cast two seasons of Project Runway and together we raised over $17,000 for Action Kivu. But the biggest deal in my life is of course that this lil' guy came along:


Hands down my best project of 2012. Happy, happy new year to all of you and here's to many more successful projects in the coming year!