My last quilt of 2009

This will be the last quilt that I finish in 2009. How do I know? I have zero going right now. I'll need to remedy that soon. Been too busy with the holidays to get anything started recently. Meanwhile, the quilt!

Solid Squares

It was my Christmas present for my father. All Kona solids this time around and I tried to go for colors he would like. Somehow I didn't think loads of solid white with bright fabrics involving polka dots and/or birds (kinda sums up a lot of the my stash...) was gonna fly for my father. And there's actually no white in this - the light color is a light grey - Ash.

Another shot of it.

Solids 2

This is the first time I've ever put a border on a quilt. I'll be honest. I didn't initially picture it with one but I just could. not. make. one. more. block. I love the results of all solids, but they don't make for exciting piecing. But I do really like the border in the end. And my father loved the quilt!

I did a very simple pieced back:

Solids Back

Can you believe that it's almost 2010?!?